Posts in Design
Free Printable Eid Gift Wrap | Alhambra

It is that time again, where I launch a new design for the my Eid gift wrap. With such a huge and overwhelming response from my previous minimal gift wrap I thought its about time I put my creative juices to the test and create something new to share with you all. This actual design was inspired by the Islamic mosaic patterns that can be found in my favourite monument Alhambra, hence the name of the collection. If you haven't heard of or been to Granada then check out my photo diary to get a sense of what her design aesthetic is all about. I was inspired by the sensory beauty, whether it be in the feats of architecture, calligraphy or just simply the colour palette that runs throughout the palace, this gift wrap not only has its own visual aesthetic but it also incorporates cultural characteristics and history. 


Simply just print the gift wrap to the desired paper size you want (max paper size is A3) and wrap it up. And the great thing is you can print it out straight from the comfort of your own home on normal copy paper! I am really pleased with how they have turned out and hope you all will enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed designing them. I wish you all (if you celebrate that is) an Eid full of love and happiness. May your prayers be accepted in the last few days of Ramadan and may He bestow His grace and mercy on as all and brighten up our paths Inshallah. 



Download free printable eid gift wrap bellow

For personal use ONLY


Alhambra Eid Wrapping Paper



Around here we are pretty serious about paper. It's no secret of mine that I am a stationery hoarder.  I'm always on the look out for new notebooks, notepads, thank you cards. the whole lot. One thing I'm trying to stick to this year is keeping myself more organised. Im starting  a new series on the blog called "the graduate life" and having so many thoughts on my mind and juggling work alongside my freelance life, its always handy to have a notepad close by to jot down all my ideas quickly before I forget them. 

Although there are a million and one notepad designs out there, I wanted something special that had a little touch of me. Summer is on the way and I'm currently having a weird obsession with botanical leaves. There's just something about them that are so aesthetically pleasing.

The great news is all you need is a sheet of thick card, printed notepad, PVA glue, bulldog clips & scissors. 




Simply start off by printing out my notepad designs and cut along the dotted lines. Use a bulldog clip to help keep all paper together. Cut off excess by using either scissors or a craft knife. Top Tip: Use a nail file to help achieve smooth clean edges. 

Step 2.

Grab a thicker piece of card and cut to the size of your notepad In this case the notepad is at the size of 12.5cm x 20cm. Add to the back of your pad and again ensure that everything is lined up and clipped securley 



Paint a coat of PVA glue along the edge of the notepad, making sure to cover the entire surface. Allow to dry and apply 1-2 more coats. The PVA will help achieve the typical "tear off" pages of a notepad. 


Leave to dry and hey presto! you have your own notepad thats ready for all your creative ideas! I'm obsessed with mine and you'll probably be seeing them pop up on my Instagram feed. Which design is your favourite? I would love to know. Don't forget to hashtag #ambinteriors on Instagram and let me see how you've been using your notepads. 


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