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Granada Photo Diary

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Woaaah it's actually been a while since I spoke to you all. I'm getting really good at keeping up with my overdue posts. My apologies for that. Life as per usual has been very hectic. If you follow me on Instagram you would know that after I came back from Granada, I slipped my lower back disk and fell very ill. With dissertation due a week after my return and following that I had my last 3 final submissions towards my bachelor degree, I was unable to share with you all my Granada photo diary but here it is. Better late than never right?

With a 19 hour delay, getting kicked off my flight (thank you British Airways) and two connection flights later, I finally reached Granada, 12 midnight to be precise, welcomed by a lovely storm of heavy rain. I guess sometimes London weather just follows you wherever you go ahaha. Although I lost one day travelling, I was still determined to make the most out of my quick visit to Granada. Luckily the weather looked more promising the next day and I set off to visit Alhambra (the red one) which I had booked a ticket for in advance. My dissertation was based around the perception of phenomena through the language of water and what better building to use an example for this than this beautiful monument.

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Alhambra is probably one of my favourite monuments in the world. Although I have been lucky enough to once visit this building in my teens, I decided a re-visit was needed to refresh my memory and gain some primary research for my essay. If you have never visited Granada, then I honestly think you should consider placing it on your bucket list. It is one of the most picturesque cities that I have been too, with its mixture of Islamic architecture and modern European influences, its very hard not to take pictures of everything you see!

I stayed at the Hotel Universal which was based in the city centre. Its location was great as everything was near by and Alhambra was only a 10 minute drive away that only cost €5 by taxi! Food and travel was very inexpensive. There is a selection of cuisines in the area ranging from your traditional tapas to Moroccan and Lebanese dishes. As for public transport, I jumped on a Granada Tours bus which was €8 and you're able to hop on and off wherever you wanted. The great thing was the ticket would last you a whole day so you actually do get your moneys worth. If you're like me and you enjoy discovering the cities hidden gems, then you can always just opt for walking around the city as it is fairly small.

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Although I had only spent a day in Granada, it is needless to say it has left a place in my heart and I have grown very fond of this city.

As I no longer have uni to stress about, more frequent posts will be up in the upcoming weeks so keep a look out for those!

Hope you're all having a great day

Stay Gold 

Amni x